a quick check reveals that no one's home... i drag myself to the chair in the living room and curl up in the chair... i tune it to some random channel and pick up today's newspaper... with the submission of application to upsc prelims 2010, i have officially written off anything akin to 'life' for the next year too... i read on about the Sri Lankan presidential elections, financial crisis, possible coalition govt in Britain, etc, etc... in my personal heaven, there'll never be any newspapers... except for lighting bonfires, maybe...
i'm supposed to drive down my Activa to bangalore soon... not today, i decide... i call up a few people entrusted with setting me back on the corporate-job-track... no good news, but nothing tragic either, for today... i send in more SOS's... some are encouraging... some downright rude.... ranging from "anything for you, lady!" to "will see what i can do about your humble request"... i refrain from the million wise-cracks trying to shoot out my brain... "until i land that job", i placate myself... and we'll then see who'se humbling who!
all this nonsense has quite exhausted me... and i still have today's newspaper-editorial to finish reading... saving up the worst/best for the last... let me go and see what more inconsequential stuff i need to know...
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