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rambles, rumbles & grumbles: re-discovering old friends...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

re-discovering old friends...

what does one say to a good-friend one hasn't talked to in say five years???
'hi, howzit going??'
'howz the work?'
'all well?'

with my communication skills, i was glad i had a reason to run within a couple of hours of meeting J... it all happened this saturday, when i came to blore for my first walk-in... that experience will require a half/full blog by itself, but suffice it to say it didnt go too well and i snapped at everyone who asked me how it went...

around noon i note that i have a missed call from J i can't ignore... i call back...
'come over... near ashoka pillar... ' J's bad at dispensing directions... columbus could've been a victim...
i catch a bus, and then an auto and then walk some more... walking in 2inch high heels over broken pavements isn't my idea of fun... i finally reach...

i cant recollect if there were any awkward silences, but before i knew, we were catching up on old classmates... telling each other we looked the same... and then i was hungry... so we had a quick lunch at a nearby darshini... decided to do some window shopping on the way back... bought stuff we probably wouldnt wear anywhere... you know, those "i could wear them in the bahamas" or "the next time i stroll through streets in istanbul" kinds...

J has a sister who'd left the keys behind so we raided her house... you'd imagine one would run out of things to say... i was chided for my choice of channels... i'm back to my choicest mode of self-abuse... reality shows... a recent switch from the k-serials... while splitsvilla-3 droned in the background, we compared notes... parents, brothers, colleagues, classmates, and more interestingly, the past and present crushes...

it was soon evening... and sandwich was voted for dinner... we got out to get some cheese... J drives the bike like a maniac.... i clenched my teeth and held on for dear life... so much so that i sorely missed that comforting feeling one gets when the giant wheel swoops down... we considered chocolate ice-cream but it was harder finding it than you'd imagine... we settled for some street chats... ate till our eyes teared up and our noses ran... followed it up with a trip to the KC Das (the bengali sweet shop)...

skipped the ice-cream, went home... looked for a bad movie... settled for 'Alvin and the Chipmunks'... i might have fallen asleep a couple of times... i remember eating a good sandwich sometime when i woke up... and then the movie was over.... and i fell asleep to strains of music from J's pearly macbook... under a thick, oversized comforter...

i fell asleep making a mental note to catch up with more friends!!

1 comment:

  1. And yet we missed rehearsing our set of nicknames for every serial number in our class ;)
