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rambles, rumbles & grumbles: first sunday

Monday, September 6, 2010

first sunday

the first sunday of our stay here... absolutely nothing to do!!... i wonder if sundays really have 24 hours like other days, coz this one went zoooooooooooop, while the other days just stretch on so long that you wonder if morning didn't happen yesterday....

tried fixing up the TV to play from the USB... didn't happen... we're trying to find a way to play movies on the LCD Samsung 5 series... though it has a USB2 sticker on it, it wouldn't recognize anything except photos...
a few friends and I explored the Vitthan Market aka Bitton aka Vitthal... an hour later, a few bucks lighter, and a plate of golgappas each, we reached the Academy... the Autos here are a 'fixed price' deal... they charge you 30 bucks from anywhere to any-other-where... i now don't think the golgappas were such a good idea... ;-)

we finally have access to the sports complex and try our hands at TT... though i'm the "better" bad player in the beginning, CC catches on quickly...
"good genes", she explains... and we fight a bitter battle to see who's family line's stronger...
next, we hit the gym... though the idea of running nowhere(the treadmill) holds no fascination for me, my friend's more interested... she's even more thrilled to find the twister... you know, the thing where you stand on a plate and go turn-turn to twist your stomach and belch out the insides in quick, little installments... maybe that wasn't the description, but that's what happened anyway...

getting late for PT!!
off now!!


  1. haha...funny when i imagined the scene at the Gym :)

  2. haha...funny when i imagined scenes at the Gym :)
