it's 2:26pm... right after lunch... i am so sleepy i think i'm going into a coma... and it's only the middle of the day in the middle day of the week... i cannot think of one think that'll make the drowsy neurons of my brain perk up... a visit to the 'Ladies Room' did not help... no, no... not the restroom... it's this cozy room with a solid bed and an out-of-the-world lazyboy that the privileged gender is allowed to enjoy... and my all-knowing friend at the workplace extolled its virtues so high, i just had to go see it myself... but that's out of bounds currently... i don't think i'll wake up in less than twelve hours if i ever cross over that forbidden threshold... so i've just made myself as comfortable as i can... with feet up on the dustbin, chair back released to its limit, i try to see through the horizontal slits that are all that remain of my eyes...
why the unusual plight?? my overworked room-mate arrived at 12:40am last night... and then we discussed all the cosmetics her boyfriend bought her, dissecting each pro, con, color, gloss and god-knows-what... and there was also a failed attempt to fix the leaking faucet in the bathroom... for some reason, we end up repairing the whole household every other midnight... and somewhere in the middle of all th
zzzzzz zzzzzzz zzzz zzzzzzzzzz zzzzzz zzzzzzzzz zzzzzz
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