it's not often that i completely, utterly, hopelessly lose my head! i manage to find the dark or atleast a grey lining in even the silver clouds... keeps me grounded, i tell myself... but right now, it's hard not to lose it... like totally, totally...
my first payslip's in... it's half a slip, but it'll do... and then there's the lottery i won...! ;)

i have been trying to compare it with something... and like all incredible, incongruous similes i come up with, i feel i've landed something perfect, this time too... here goes... i'll expect the wah-wah's at the end... even if it sucks... it's like the goal scorer guy... you know, in football... the guy who manages to score a goal after a long run from the other end... there's that long moment of disbelief... and you stand there and stare, at nothing in particular wondering if this is how 'good' is supposed to feel... if this is how 'achievement' is supposed to feel... you're almost ready to be disillusioned... and then there's all the teammates coming in and swarming him and swamping him until there's more than just 200 pieces of bone in his body... it was harder for me... coz i didn't know my team was that big... i've been spoilt rotten for the past three days by people i didn't think were watching the play... it was almost better than having two birthdays a year... no, definitely better... coz most of these same blokes never remember any of my numerous b'days anyway...
but anyway, thank you all you maniacs, for making one of the best days in my life even better! :) :)
yeah... that's about it... that's my thank you speech... i just wish somebody would hand a bloody trophy right about now...
okay, now i gotta go... i generate reports for a living... and i specialize in working on sundays...

bye then!!
Congrats once again ....!!!