anyway, this 'avatar' movie... i go to watch it with another kindred soul who'd also managed to not see the movie... peer pressure gets all eventually!!! so he wanted to see the movie one time, however good or bad before it was taken out of all theaters and we were left to lament for eternity about the one big, great movie we'd missed... i gave in to the drama and obliged... so we got the tickets, the 3D glasses...
anyway, movie was already ten minutes past when we found our seats in the dim light of our sony ericsson phones... how i miss nokia truck cell with its torches!! and there's the recognizable hero, in a wheelchair and all... all cocky and smug... totally american... on his first day in Pandora, he manages to survive all the beasties, conquer the heart of the local Pandora Chief's girl, and formulate a strategy to get them to relinquish some 'unobtanium' for his military... i did not really get why 'unobtainium' was so expensive... i mean, what'd the earthling's do with it that could make it so precious??? a kilo for twenty million!! it hardly seemed like something you could smoke or sniff!!
special effects are fine... there was one time, when a grenade exploded and debris hurtled right towards me and i panicked and nearly jumped into the seat beside me, in an attmept to evade the flying shrapnel... that was a bit embarrassing...
"hehe!! good effects, huh?? ", i smiled sheepishly at the person already occupying it...
anyway, after some hours of the movie going wherever it was easily predicted to go, we get up and reclaim the 400 bucks for our 'mastervision' goggles... and walk back through every store in the mall on our way back down...
well, that's it!! another weekend well spent!!