Day 1:
don't panic! i won't really be able to keep the log up everyday... not if the calendar they've provided is to be believed... they want us to get used to the sarkari life shtyle as soon as possible... so, we were all filled into the auditorium and requested to fill in a bunch of forms... there were two copies of them required, so four copies of forms were provided... let's not get into the national waste debate coz we'll probably not be siding together anymore... and as a prize for good behaviour we were all given a black leather bag that reeks of 'bureaucrat' ... with pens, pencils, you know the kind that would send a pre-schooler into ecstasy!!! i was measured for height, weight and photo... i was pronounced impeccable at 45/165/slightly drowsy...
what else?? another friend needed a phone sim and i took her out for it... and the guy just handed over a previously activated sim in 5mins...
"any documents required??" she ventured.
"dena hai to de do" he obliged...
so much for national security and they're after the poor Blackberry holding elite!!
not much else has happened... there was a tiny introductory function when we were convinced what a great day it was for us poor sods... how we'd remember it for the rest of eternity and all that... the faculty introduced themselves and the police guy who's going to 'handle' us for PT from tomorrow morning at 6am glowered quietly and said something i didn't really catch...
oh, and there's lots of tea-drinking involved... the bed tea, the breakfast tea, the high tea, the evening tea... i just had one... maybe i'm getting high on so many teas... if that's possible... let me check!!
ciao for now!